SecureGas “Extended Components” Part 2

The second Video of “SecureGas extended Components” presented to you by RINA and it is about:
“A3 – Onshore Landslide Susceptibility and Alert/Monitoring System”.

These components have been “extended” – that is improved and integrated – to meet the needs of end users, addressing and solving the proposed business cases scenarios, adopting the most innovative technological solutions, without forgetting cost control and an easy and scalable deployment.


SecureGas “Extended Components” Part 1

SecureGas Project has started a video campaign about it’s “Extended Components” which will presented once a week to explain in detail the description, objectives and the use in the project of all SecureGas extended components. 

the 1st Video is presented by ADPM Drones and it is about:

Autonomous docking station and UAV based asset management



10 years DMAT anniversary

From a one-person company founded in 2006, the D.M.A.T. Consulting KG developed in 2010. At the beginning it was mainly training courses and a few small projects in which the expertise “International Disaster Protection and Disaster Management” was in demand. But continually,  DMAT has developed into a company that also was more and more in demand for major projects (research and innovation) for the European Union, the European Space Agency etc., especially as an “end user”. During the research and development projects it was experienced that, although great scientific projects are being developed, unfortunately the practical relevance of the “end users” was often neglected. This enabled us to contribute to the further development of emergency equipment, technologies and strategies.

DMAT was also able to increase its range of advisory services for activities relevant to crises and disasters, as well as providing training for the competent support of the affected population and the responsible decision-makers before, during and after natural disasters. This often was done in  EU-funded civil protection projects, where we were able to contribute our expertise worldwide either as a partner or as a subcontractor. The last major projects with the participation of DMAT before Covid 19, were “Host Nation Support” exercises in Austria, Albania and Ghana, as well as two large-scale exercises on 5 islands in the Netherlands Antilles, which were an extreme but exciting challenge for us because of the distance.

In 2014 our team was strengthened by Sebastian Hirschmugl and since 2019 we have also been able to strengthen our team internationally with Sara Abdelwahid from Iraq.

In all of its activities, DMAT pays great attention to fair working and ethical principles and is a member of ARGE proEthik.

Despite the restrictions caused by the corona, we hope to be able to continue building up and expanding our range of services.

Crisis Communication- Time has been extended till 14.06.2020

A master thesis at the university of Vienna, department for risk prevention and disaster management, addresses the topic (Crisis communication). The author has developed a survey (Communication and information sharing in case of disruptions to gas critical infrastructure networks) aiming to get information from SecureGas partner, SecureGas Stakeholder, relevant governmental responsibilities in crisis management and emergency services.  The (anonymous) answers will directly contribute to the need-based development of crisis communication in SecureGas project.

The time to answer the SURVEY on SecureGas Crisis communication has been extended until June 14th 2020.

We would Kindly appreciate when you paticipate and share the Link below in your network.

Here is the link to the survey:

Please be aware that the Survey will be only open until June 14th 2020.

The team of D.M.A.T. Consulting KG:

This information can also be found on SecureGas project website.

About D.M.A.T Consulting KG



D.M.A.T. Consulting KG offers services in the field of disaster management. Our range of services includes consultancy before and during crisis and disaster events, training to provide mutual assistance to the affected population as well as to the responsible decision makers after natural disaster events.




Focus of DMAT activities is on consulting, training and further development in the areas of

  • national and international disaster management
  • promoting and strengthening disaster resilience (Disaster Resilience)
  • Civil Protection – Prevention and Preparedness

Evakuation of Wheel Chair Users



The D.M.A.T. Consulting KG participates in projects development of preventive measures and deployment solutions in disaster situations.

Our company combines its own field experience with innovative technologies and knowledge from disaster management. In addition to innovative and functional equipment and solutions for emergency services, overall concepts for the population in crisis situations are also being developed and tested.


GEOVISION – Clarification of the situation
on the field. Observe, collect data, weigh situation and act



“We cannot stop natural Disasters, but we can arm ourselves with Knowledge, so many lives wouldn’t have to be lost if there was enough Disaster Preparedness” By Petra Nemcova




The Projects where D.M.A.T Consulting KG is involved as a Partner:


The Projects where D.M.A.T Consulting KG is involved as a Subcontractor:

*You can easily read more about our Projects on our main Website by clicking on the Project above

Spartacus Project