Know How

Useful information in the area of crisis and disaster management

Below you will find collected information and helpful links to crisis and disaster management, which we encountered in the course of our project work.

The information and documents found on this site are shared by us to the best of our knowledge and belief. These should serve the dissemination of important topics in the area of crisis and disaster management.

Of course, authors of the publications and origin of the links are given. For the content the D.M.A.T. Consulting KG is not responsible.

The contributions are individual “finds” / information about our work. They are not comprehensive and complete information on the various topics.

Standards in Crisis and Disaster Management

  • Conference on “Standardization for cross-border coordination” at the Austrian Standards Institute in Vienna.

You can download the result as PDF here:

Gleaning standard cross-border coordination 2007 (in German)

UN Climate Change Conference

EU civil defence mechanism

UN – Disaster Management

Socio-economic impact

  • Socioeconomic Effects of the Flood Disasters in Mozambique 2000:

Socioeconomic Effects_Flood_Mozambique_2000 (in German)


Crisis and disaster management for a village whose houses are under water – flood disaster in Mozambique