Main Planning Conference in Cyprus

Between 2nd and 3rd November our consortium, consisting of European University of Cyprus, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cyprus, Civil Defense of Cyprus, Johanniter/Germany, Prepared International/Germany, Resilience Solutions International/Austria and D.M.A.T. Consulting KG/Austria conducted the Main Planning Conference for the PDEX JIP exercise in 2023
The three authorities – Jordan, Israel and Palestine (JIP) – which are part of the Professional Dialogue of UN OCHA, which was created in 2012, agreed on drafted “Guiding Principles for Standard Procedures in Disaster Situations”. These specific and historically important guidelines will now be tested in a Table Top exercise in January 2023 as well as a Full Scale Exercise of the European Union in March 2023.

The overall aim is to strengthen disaster preparedness in the JIP region, increase interoperability, enable Host Nation Support (HNS) and cooperation for international disaster response. This will be achieved by supporting the JIP region in analysing their Civil Protection situation, prepare a specific regional, cross border Standard Operating Procedures(SOP) for closer, more operational cooperation in case of a complex emergency, train all parties in HNS, test respective measures during an FSX and evaluate and analyse future steps and recommendations for implementation of the results into their national disaster response plans.
It will be the first time that all three authorities will cooperate in such a disaster management operation to test their possible cooperation.