The D.M.A.T. Consulting KG participates in projects development of preventive measures and deployment solutions in disaster situations.
The main focus is on the co-development of products and solutions and their testing as end users. The experience for this task has been acquired by D.M.A.T through numerous local and international disaster relief operations.
Our company combines its own field experience with innovative technologies and knowledge from disaster management. In addition to innovative and functional equipment and solutions for emergency services, overall concepts for the population in crisis situations are also being developed and tested.
Some of our projects
Most of the projects in which we have collaborated have been part of the European Framework Program (FP& / FP7 / Horizon 2020) for Research and Development, as well as projects initiated by Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO).
Below we provide a brief description of projects where the D.M.A.T. Consulting KG was involved in as a partner.Further projects in which we were hired as experts can be found on the page development-training-conferences.
PACES, Prepardness for Appropriate accommodations in Emergency Shelters, the project name describes the core objective of the project comprehensively.A clear goal is the availability of adequate accommodation in emergency accommodation, taking into account solutions to emerging problems.Different emergency situations are analyzed and tested in various training workshops with international participation
PACES pays special attention to the involvement of all concerned and takes into account their specific needs. Special attention is given, for example, to people with disabilities, the elderly and children. Other project contents include the best possible care for injured persons, the storage of relief supplies and medicines, as well as the exchange of experience
Project details:
Project period from 2016 – until end of 2017
Project financing: DG ECHO, Preparedness and Prevention Call 2015
Participants: disaster relief forces, government offices
E-learning platform:
More information about the project can be found on the page PACES (2016-2017) or on the project website (this link opens a new page).
SPARTACUS, „Satellite Based Asset Tracking for Supporting Emergency Management in Crisis Operations“ works on the development of technology for control and tracking of relief supplies, support in crisis and disaster response, based on satellite-supported communication.
The project developed the following technologies and linked existing systems:
- Control units placed on means of transport such as, in particular, trains and vehicle convoys, for the tracking of relief transports and the location of first-responders.
- Smartphone applications like TIIMIS ASIGN and FLARE, for locating people, reporting problem areas or disaster situations, as well as documenting the course of operations and possible safe operations.
- Communication units specially adapted to catastrophic situations. The developed systems were realized particularly easy and energy-saving. They should build an independent communication network and work through different connections such as wireless and cellular, but also with satellite technologies and terrestrial networks such as GSM.
- Decision finding systems, this should help first responders to coordinate the deployment operation and to monitor the delivery of relief supplies.
Project details:
Project duration: 2013 – 2016
Project funding: The research on this project was supported by the EU Framework Programm 7 (FP7), Organized by Research Executive Agency (REA) promoted. (FP7/2007-2013)
Information on project prosses from the point of view of the D.M.A.T. Consulting KG can be found on the page SPARTACUS (2013-2016).
The HORIZON 2020 project GEO-VISION is a further development and refinement of the smartphone applications developed in project GEO-PICTURES by ASIGN Technologies.
Data from different reconnaissance sites are collected and processed by the software. In doing so, they support the smooth and rapid decision-making of emergency response forces during the disaster response. In addition to the applications already in use ASIGN Pro (Professional Disaster Assessment) and UN-ASIGN (Volunteers and Crowdsourcing) These tools, which serve humanitarian missions, have been extended by further areas. In the project GEO-VISION a safe observation of the operational areas by drones (UVA-ASIGN), as well as their control, was developed and tested in real time. In order to efficiently manage and use the wealth of data collected, UNITAR-UNOSAT has integrated the transfer of data into an online map (UNITAR-UNOSAT Live Map Integration).
Project details:
Project duration: 01.01.2015 – 31.12.2016
Project financing: Horizon 2020
More information about the project can be found on the Projektwebsite of Galileo.
Information on the course of the project from the point of view of the D.M.A.T. Consulting KG can be found on the page GEO VISION.
GEO-PICTURES researched a way to secure, interactive communication in critical applications. The interest of the project partners lay in the availability of application-relevant content. In particular, photos and videos should give all the helpers a good overview of the situation, as well as current changes. To ensure the application of the developed software even in critical areas, GEO-Pictures worked on basis of satellite navigation systems (GMES).
The project aims to,
- link the local operations centers with the outsourced headquarters. This should optimize the planning and coordination of the emergency services and the required relief supplies.
- Gather data across multiple sites online in near real-time and make it accessible to everyone. This should enable a quicker and more structured structure of the operations.
- To develop a crowd-user version where registered users can send photos, videos, messages via the ASIGN software to a UNOSAT server. These are provided with geographical coordinates on the UNOSAT LIVE – map mapped and deployed to emergency services. In the source of this Project a solution for streaming live videos has been developed(ASMIRA) This allows geographical parameters to be reliably evaluated remotely.
Project details:
Project period: 01.03.2010 – 01.03.2012
Project financing: 6. Framework Programme (FP6)More information can be found on the Projektwebsite.
Information on project processes from the point of view of D.M.A.T. Consulting KG can be found on the page GEO-PICTURES (2010-2012)