Professional Dialogue Exercise PDEX-JIP (LAYMAN REPORT 3)
Project Fact Sheet
Project number: P101048587
Project name: Professional Dialogue Exercises – Jordan Israel Palestine
Project acronym: PDEX-JIP
Call: UCPM-2021-EX
Topic: UCPM-2021-INT
Type of action: UCPM Project Grants
Granting authority: European Commission-EU
Project Duration: 01/01/2022- 30/06/2023
Project Lead
European University Cyprus (EUC)
Project Partners
- D.M.A.T. Consulting KG (DMAT)
- Prepared International (PPI)
- Resilience Solutions International (RSI)
- Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe e.V. (JUH)
- Ministry of Interior Cyprus (CCD)
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs Cyprus (MFA)
The overall aim of PDEX-JIP is to improve Civil Protection (CP) preparedness and response inside and outside the Member States of the Union Civil Protection Mechanism (UCPM) by providing a testing environment and a learning opportunity for all actors involved in CP interventions.
The sub-region of Jordan, Israel and Palestine is a unique training environment of outermost interest for the UPCM.
PDEX-JIP Project will:
- produce an assessment of the CP situation,
- draft joint Standing Operating Procedures (SOPs) on parties’ request,
- hold joint planning conferences,
- implement a Table-Top Exercise (TTX) training Host Nation Support (HNS) in a specific environment,
- perform a Joint Full-Scale Exercise (FSX),
- provide an Evaluation that includes a Lessons Learned (LL) process and recommendations for the Way ahead,
- provide the sub-region with HNS-guidelines considering the specific response environment.
The project is designed to achieve overall strengthening of disaster preparedness in the JIP region while increasing interoperability and HNS measures for international and regional disaster response.
- Analyse the CP situation in the JIP region,
- Conduct joint planning with JIP partners
- Develop a joint SOP for international disaster response,
- Prepare and conduct one HNS TTX
- Prepare and conduct one joint FSX,
- Conduct an evaluation of the current state of affairs in the region
- Conclude with a LL procedure and recommend a way ahead for the JIP region.
Expected Results
- Enable the response to a large-scale disaster in the region by creating interoperability between all involved actors
- Enable support to vulnerable groups, Common SOP
- Prepare and conduct one joint FSX,
- Adaptation of disaster response plans,
- Develop specific HNS guidelines
Kick Off Meeting 01.02.2022
The kick off meeting took place on Tuesday the 1st of February 2022, in Brussels, Belgium. Mr. Evangelos Katsaros, of the coordinating team, CERIDES and as the Research Associate, and Manager of the project, physically attended the meeting and presented the planned activities to the DG-ECHO Officers. Representatives from all consortium partners attended the meeting in virtual mode.
Hybrid Meeting 29-30.05.2022
A hybrid meeting took place in Tel Aviv and Ramallah between 29 and 30 May 2022. The 3 countries in their delegations included representatives from their Civil Protection National Authorities and various other services that will be instrumental for the Full Scale Exercise. The meeting took place in a really positive atmosphere and various details were discussed about the TTX Table Top Exercise that will take place in November and in particular about the SOP Standard
Operating Procedures during the exercise.
Main Planning Conference, Cyprus 2-3.11.2022
A historical meeting for the JIP region took place in Cyprus, in November 2022 with all the consortium participating but also JIP Delegations Attending; specifically Jordanian Delegation – National Center for Security and Crisis Management (NCSCM), Jordanian Civil Defense (JCD); Israeli Delegation – National Emergency Management Authority (NEMA), Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT), and Military Liaison Office; Palestinian Delegation – Palestinian Civil Defense (PCD), Civil Affairs, Metrology, MOFA, and Military Liaison Office. From the United Nations: UNOCHA Jordan (regional JIP Professional Dialogue Project Coordinator, as well as conference facilitator), UNOCHA oPt, UNOCHA Emergency Response Section from Geneva.
Achievements of the Main Planning Conference (1/3)
As the JIP has worked successfully on the technical elements of a Flood Early Warning System there could also be in the future joint work on an Earthquake Early Warning Systems (EEWS). The Palestinian Civil Defence (hereinafter, PCD) conveyed the need to enhance their capabilities, access equipment, and develop search and rescue teams to ensure response success. PCD specified that they do not have the trucks, equipment, and warehousing to respond to natural disasters. As such, preparedness at the regional level is required in order to respond to all types of natural disasters and risks, in addition to receiving humanitarian assistance from international donors. Specific request also to develop the internal capacities of the PCD both in term of equipment and training.Jordan’s Civil Defence (hereinafter, JCD) and the National Center for Security and Crisis Management (hereinafter, NCSCM) agreed that common
understanding and proper terminology must be established to unify response efforts moving forward. JCD suggested that JIP could evolve to include new technical spheres, some work on which has been done bilaterally between Jordan and Israel already, as well as combating varying risks collectively by means of joint field work, risk assessments,
and continued coordination.
Achievements of the Main Planning Conference (2/3)
JIP delegations discussed key stakeholders’ services and infrastructure to be engaged in FSX, including the Current Status Exercise Logistics and Host Nation Support, incoming teams, EXCON, EUCPT, observers and VIP programme INSARAG cooperation.
Regarding the TTX Structure of the scenario, NEMA informed that their training audience will try to include 20 different organizations and ministries in Israel depending on the finalization of the scenario, and Jordan will have at least 36; the Palestinian Delegation likewise confirmed serious inter-ministerial commitment. OCHA added that there
are seven (7) INSARAG teams an hour flight away in the case of international assistance.
The coordinator, European University of Cyprus (CERIDES) introduced the evaluation of FSX Exercise and the awareness campaign that serve the purpose of facilitating improvement, including test response procedures, and providing practice for participants.
Achievements of the Main Planning Conference (3/3)
JIP delegations commenced with the revised trilateral understanding draft to establish the operationalization framework for collective response. NEMA indicated that the trilateral understanding is a milestone, and commended PCD for their pen-holding role in drafting the trilaterally agreed guiding principles elements.
JIP delegations will review the document language ensuring full coherence of language with INSARAG guidelines to ensure full clarity.
The JIP delegations and Consortium discussed the objectives of the TTX. Its aim is to conduct a discussion-based exercise, in which the planned FSX scenario will be simulated and discussed, in addition to all relevant existing plans, documents, maps, guidelines etc. can be used and elaborated on, as well as possible problems and connected solutions identified for an efficient and simulated FSX.
Table Top Exercise parallel in Jordan, Israel and Palestine 08-09.01.2023
The aim of the TTX was to conduct a discussion-based exercise, in which the planned FSX scenario was simulated and discussed. All relevant existing plans, documents, maps, guidelines etc. were used and elaborated on, possible problems and connected solutions were identified and at the end the ground for an efficient simulated FSX was set. Consortium experts facilitated the TTX in all three areas (Amman, Ramallah, Tel Aviv) familiarizing all beneficiaries with
International Assistance Procedures.
Table Top Exercise Jordan
Jordan has not been severely affected by the earthquake and simulated efforts to fully support Israel and Palestinian Authority cope with disaster impacts. Jordan will facilitate international assistance reach areas in need. Actual testing will take place during Full Scale Exercise.
Table Top Exercise Israel
Israel simulated both earthquake management within its territory, as well as the procedures for requesting, receiving and distributing international assistance in hit areas. The process of finding solutions under pressure for optimizing cooperation with Jordan and Palestine Authority in case of a big earthquake has been tested.
Table Top Exercise Palestine
Palestine Authority simulated host of international assistance and support of local population the 1st critical hours of a devastating earthquake.
Final Planning Meeting, Tel Aviv, 6-7.02.2023
The Final Planning Meeting took place on 06th-07th of February 2023 in a hybrid way in Tel Aviv. Τhe objectives accomplished were:
- Discussion of the outcomes and lessons from the TTX in their relevance for the FSX, inter alia the evaluation of the guidelines
- Finalization of the planning for the FSX, including the scenario and injects, including the deployment of field hospital
- Discussion of logistical details and field visit of exercise sites
- Discussion of Observer and VIP program for the exercise
- Familiarization with the Evaluation Process of the FSX
Full Scale Exercise Israel, Palestine, Jordan, 12-16.03.2023
The Full Scale Exercise took place between 12th – 16th of March 2023 with a great success. It involved approximately
120 participants from 18 countries — Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Latvia, North Macedonia, Malta, Montenegro, Romania, Spain, Sweden, along with Israel — as well as the European Union Civil Protection Mechanism, DG ECHO representatives and the United Nations OCHA.
Media Coverage
استعدادا لوقوع هزة أرضية في إسرائيل: التدريب على محاكاة وصول بعثات الإغاثة من كافة دول العالم
Israel begins drill simulating receipt of international earthquake aid
Final Step
Way Forward and Final Meeting Foreseen in Cyprus, 9th-11th of May 2023