Legal Information
Commercial Register Nr: FN 348781p
Court: Landesgericht für ZRS Graz
VAT – ID: ATU65965538
Managing Partner under trade law: Mag. Monika Hirschmugl-Fuchs
Managing Partner: Prof. Dr. Alois August Hirschmugl
Company: D.M.A.T. Consulting KG
Legal Form: Limited Partnership
Line of Business: Consulting, Training und Developement in particular in Disaster Management
Registered Office: Municipality of Lieboch
Business Address: Grüne Gasse 12, A-8501 Lieboch, Austria
Office: Josef-Mihalits-Straße 3/11, 8501 Lieboch
Mobile: +43 (0)664 140 98 02
E-Mail: office[at]
Chamber: Provincial Chamber of Commerce Styria
Information on E-Commerce Law (in German only)
Information lt. §5Abs1.1 E-Commerce Gesetz und Offenlegungspflicht gem. Mediengesetz §25
If not otherwise expressivly written agreed the General terms and conditions for business consultants are in place: Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen für Unternehmensberater Mediation Clause is in place: Mediationsklausel.
We voluntarily commit to the professional standards for business consultants and to the Berufsgrundsätze und Standesregeln für Unternehmensberater and the code of conduct and ethics Ethik- und Verhaltenskodex der ARGE proEthik.