EU Table Top eXercise (TTX)

Lot3 – HNS TTX

Exercise Overview

The exercises are so-called Table Top Exercises (TTX)  / staff exercises on “Host Nation Support“, focusing on in-depth training of the key personnel. It covers the entire course of a disaster cycle – from the beginning of a disaster, national assistance, the request for international assistance, entry, transit and the arrival of international teams in the affected country to the relocation.

Exercise Framework:

Cooperation between all civil protection actors involved in emergency management so that any international assistance can be integrated quickly and effectively within the local emergency response mechanisms.

The Host National Support (HNS) Guidelines aim at assisting and supporting the affected participating state to receive international assistance in the most effective and efficient manner, whether in the preparedness or disaster response phases.

The Project’s Funder and Partners:

This project is funded by European Union Civil Protection

the Partners are:


Project’s Partners


Exercise Objective:

The objective of the HNS TTX is to practice emergency response structures at strategic and operational levels, and improve inter-institutional co-operation in the area of Host Nation Support, also through Standard Operating Procedure (SOPs). The ultimate objective is to remove as much as possible any foreseeable obstacles to international assistance. This ensures that disaster response operations proceed smoothly.

Within the project, three HNS TTX will be conducted –

  • in Austria/Eisenerz (is conducted 21.-24.05.2019)
  • in Albania/Mirdita (is conducted 02.-05.07.2019)
  • finally in Ghana/Accra (is planned 03.-06.12.2019)

TTX1 Exercise Participants (Austria):

The participants were 15 experts from Austria and 25 members from 12 Nations (Ghana, Spain, France, Norway, Italy, Poland, Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Czech Republic, Estonia, Slovenia).

Group Picture for IDMEX TTX 1 in Austria Eisenerz


TTX2 in Albania (Mirdita)

The Participant were 13 members from 9 different Nations

Group Picture of TTX2 for the Participants, Trainers in Albania

TTX3 in Ghana (Accra)

10 Nations were involved at the 3rd EU Host National Support (HNS) Exercise in Ghana

Opening of Host National Support Exercise in Ghana

Group Picture of the Consortium at the EU HNS Exercise in Ghana December 2019