General Information
The Module Exercises (MODEX) are financed by the Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG ECHO) and are part of an exercise’s series within the EU Civil Protection Mechanism.
Modules and other Response Capacities already registered in the Common Emergency Communications and Information System (CECIS) were invited to apply for a participation in one of the Exercises. The main exercise objectives for the participants are to train self-sufficiency, interoperability, procedures and coordination as well as to use the exercise as a learning opportunity. EU MODEX also gives participating modules and other Response Capacities the opportunity for certification as European Emergency Response Capacity (EERC) and for classification or re-classification to meet international standards for deployments in disasters.

Developments and training for humanitarian relief operations
In addition to the projects where the D.M.A.T. Consulting KG acts as a partner, it also takes on orders as a subcontractor. The activity of D.M.A.T. Consulting KG is based on experience in numerous humanitarian and civil defence assignments, training and runs its own projects, mostly developing solutions, tools, strategies and processes in the field of Disasters.
The Members in the international consortium of the upcoming ModEx of the EU are:
EU MODEX Austria/Eisenerz, 24.-27.05.2018
The first ModEx took place in October 2017 in England. This was followed by exercises in Denmark in January 2018 and in Bulgaria in March 2018.
In May 24th till 27th 2018 ModEx (Modular Exercise) was held in Austria, on Erzberg in Styria. The D.M.A.T. Consulting KG was entrusted by the Province of Styria for planning of this exercise. The ModEx Austria took place in the international training center of the Styrian Red Cross for “Urban Search and Rescue in alpine terrain”.
The D.M.A.T. Consulting KG was pleased to announce the exciting and challenging tasks of planning and implementing a 36-hours exercise for the training of two medium urban search and rescue teams from Greece and Lithuania, a Cave Rescue Team from Slovenia and a drone team from France. This work was in cooperation and carried out on behalf of the State of Styria, Department of Civil Protection and National Defence as a partner in the ModEx 2017-2018 consortium, involving Styrian rescue organizations, which was in Eisenerz.

EU Module Exercise 2018 / Lot 3 in Eisenerz, Austria

EU MODEX Group Picture Eisenerz 2018, Austria
you can also watch the lessons learned video of the MODEX in Eisenerz, Austria 2018 below:
previous Exercises within ModEX
MODEX 2017/2018
s part of the cycle of EU module exercises (ModEx) for 2017/2018, 5 module exercises had been carried out and completed in Great Britain, Denmark, Bulgaria, Austria and Romaian.
- United Kingdom/ Merseyside, 12.10.-15.10.2017
- Denmark/ Tinglev, 26.01.-29.01.2018
- Austria/ Eisenerz, 24.05.-27.05.2018
- Bulgaria/ Montana, 20.03.-23.03.2018
- Romania/ Bucharest, 14.10.-18.10.2018
Click here to see a Video of ModEX Exercise in Tinglev/ Denmark 2018
completed EU Module Exercise (ModEX) in 2019
- Denmark/ Tinglev, 25.01.-28.01.2019
- UK/ Merseyside, 15.03.-18.03.2019
- Estonia/ Saaremaa, 11.04. – 14.04.2019
- Portugal/ Fogueteiro Village, 04. – 07.11.2019
Click here to see a Video of ModEX Exercise in Portugal 2019

EU Modex 2019-2020
D.M.A.T. Consulting KG will again conduct in Eisenerz a MODEX 2020, this time with 3 Medium Urban Search and Rescue Teams(MUSAR), 1 Cave rescue team, one Emergency Temporary Shelter (ETC) and 2 drone teams.

EU-ModEX Pre Exercise Meeting Group Picture in Lisbon, Portugal