Crisis Communication – Invitation to participate

Please participate and share the link in your network!
Crisis communication and information sharing are of high importance for the good overcoming of disaster events. In H2020 research project
SecureGas we are working on the challenges of crisis communication and -information in case of disruptions of critical infrastructure in gas networks.A master thesis at the university of Vienna, department for risk prevention and disaster management, addresses the topic. The author has developed a survey (Communication and information sharing in case of disruptions to gas critical infrastructure networks) aiming to get information from SecureGas partner, SecureGas Stakeholder, relevant governmental responsibilities in crisis management and emergency services. The (anonymous) answers will directly contribute to the need-based development of crisis communication in SecureGas project.
We would kindly appreciate if you could answer the questionnaire and share it with colleagues in that field.
Here is the link to the survey: The survey will be open until June 7th latest.
Thank you for your support.
Please share the link also in your network.
The team of D.M.A.T. Consulting KG:
This information can also be found on SecureGas project website.